NEW PHONE NUMBER 517-258-0038 | To care for UCC clergy and churches in Michigan.
Sep 07, 2023
Exciting Opportunities to Serve on the Board of Directors
The Michigan Conference Board of Directors (BOD) is seeking to fill four open positions.
The key role of Treasurer to serve as the CFO of the Conference is open. The new Treasurer should have significant previous experience serving a church or non-profit in a financial role. Additional experience and credentialing as a financial professional would be valuable.
There are two positions open for At Large representation on the Board of Directors. At Large reps must hold local UCC church membership in the Michigan Conference. There is also an opening for a Liaison role that requires holding local church membership in the Grand West Association.
The BOD is committed to inclusion and charged with a balance of representation across a diverse intersection of demographics. Lay persons are strongly encouraged to apply.
If you are interested in learning more about being considered for nomination for one of these positions please contact Rev. Liz Larrivee, Nominating Committee Chair, Vice President BOD at
If selected by the Nominating Committee, your name will be presented for a vote at the October 28 Annual Meeting to join the Board of Directors.
Thank you for your generous consideration of ministry service to the wider church in a BOD leadership position! We’d love to have you as part of the team!!
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