NEW PHONE NUMBER 517-258-0038 | To care for UCC clergy and churches in Michigan.
Complete THIS FORM for pastors experiencing an urgent or immediate need of funding and support for personal finances.
The Vital Growth Mission Area Team accepts new grant applications until September 15.
Grant guidelines:
In order to establish a perpetual memorial for her beloved son, John C. Dayton, Bertha C. Dayton entrusted funds to the Congregational Home Missionary Society at her death. The will stipulated that income shall be used in aiding and assisting rural, small town or village churches in the state of Michigan and in the support of their pastors and families.
Preference will be given to churches in communities with a population of less than 15,000.
The Faith Formation Mission Area Team accepts new scholarship applications until May 1.
Immanuel United Church of Christ – Detroit, as it was disbanding, decided to use their remaining funds to endow a scholarship for seminary students preparing for ordination and service in the Michigan Conference of the United Church of Christ. Each year, awards are made to multiple seminarians within our Conference. These awards are significant and can be a factor in making it financially possible for aspiring ministers to attend seminary. The Faith Formation Mission Area Team is responsible for selecting recipients and making the awards.
Due to changes in the way that candidates for ministry are pursuing formation, and to the numbers pursuing formation, the focus of the Immanuel Scholarship has been broadened. Priority will still go to Members in Discernment within the Michigan Conference who are pursuing paths to ministry – whether through a seminary education or through alternative paths. The deadline for submitting applications (or renewal requests) for those scholarships is May 1st of the current year. Awards are granted during the summer so that funds can be disbursed at the beginning of the Fall seminary schedules. A student is eligible for the scholarship for a maximum of three (3) Full Time years or equivalent (e.g. four to six Part Time years).
As funds allow after June 1st, awards will also be available on a rolling basis for continuing education for authorized ministers in the Michigan Conference who are actively involved in conference, parish or specialized ministry. A separate application is available for these candidates.
Immanuel Scholarship Guidelines
Immanuel Scholarship MID Application
Immanuel Scholarship Continuing Education Application
see grants and scholarship applications for Covenant Association churches and members HERE
see grants and scholarship applications for Southwest Association churches and members HERE
The United Church of Christ has scholarships and grants available for a variety of purposes in three broad categories: Ministry Education Scholarships, Program Grants, and Leadership Development Scholarships. In addition to what is listed here, check with the Admissions Office at your educational institution to find out about additional scholarships that may be available.
Visit the UCC Scholarships and Grants Website
The online application linked HERE is the fastest way to access Emergency Grant or Ministerial Housing Assistance for local church pastors from the Pension Board.
Use the link above for an Emergency Assistance grant OR if you are seeking to apply for Supplementation for Low-Income Households (also known as the Ministerial Assistance Grant).
Please email a copy of your application to for the required Conference Minister approval in this process.
Paper forms can be downloaded here to prepare for filling out the online application:
Ministerial Assistance Application
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