The Center for Progressive Renewal


CoachShare, group coaching at its best, allows you access to the expertise of a trained coach, resources of the CPR Team and connects you to peers who are working towards similar goals.

Coachshare leadership groups: (Church Planting, Church Renewal, First Call, Small Church and Interims) are formed around carefully chosen topics and challenges church leaders are facing.

Benefits of the one-year CoachShare program:

  • An initial one-on-one coaching session to set intentional goals (a coaching contract) between coach and the ministry leader.
  • At least once a month group coaching sessions, with a focus both on individual goals and monthly topics.
  • Acess to your coach on an as-needed basis.
  • Resources from your coach and the CPR Team related to each month’s topic.
  • Free access to all CPR webinars during the coaching year.

Judicatories, local churches and pastors can partner together to stretch precious financial resources and experience CoachShare’s transformational year!

Michigan Conference United Church of Christ Clergy can receive the benefits of CoachShare for a cost of $800.00 per year.

Gregg Carlson

CoachShare Flyer

As a relatively new, young, progressive, queer and activist-oriented associate pastor in a historically moderate mainline church, I have found the challenges of ministry quite steep! Totally worth the ride, but not without huge challenges. Being coached by Rev. Glenna Shepherd through the Center for Progressive Renewal has helped immensely in tackling those challenges. Here at First Congregational Church of Battle Creek, we are attempting something relatively uncharted: a new church start within an already existing congregation. My colleague, Rev. Thomas Ryberg and I have been charged with forming Christian community with the unchurched, under 40 crowd with half of our time and serving the longer-term, already established members with the other half. The needs of our combined community are quite diverse, sometimes conflicting and often fairly overwhelming. Rev. Shepherd helps us tackle the micro-details of liturgical life, finance and administration, and deploying lay leadership while also helping us think/love into the macro issues that arise in the Body of Christ: intimacy, conflict, life and death. The presence of coaching brings a comfort to rely on. The offered expertise of coaching gives those receiving it practical tools and resources to apply in the congregational setting. Both are invaluable, especially to those of us who are rookies!

In Christ,
Rev. Emily Joye McGaughy-Reynolds
Associate Pastor, First Congregational Church of Battle Creek


Small Church Ministry Resources

Thank you to Kathy Schuen (First Cong. UCC, Constantine) for sharing reading list for small church ministries (from the Center for Progressive Renewal webinar led by Elizabeth Dilley).

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