Aug 23, 2024

At the risk of stating the obvious, the United Church of Christ is a Christian denomination.

We have always been followers of the way of Jesus with a deep passion for bringing the Bible to the people, willing to stand up against the excesses of our own extended church family, but with humility because you never know who God will speak through next. Our ecumenical passion was bigger than the rest of Christianity’s. We are always reaching out to other Christians, including those who dismiss us. We are rebellious reformers, but also the first to call the warring factions together, trusting in the promise “that they may all be one.”

Ecumenically, we stand in the Reformed tradition that was not very traditional when it started. Some of our forebears were willing to be burnt at the stake so that people could read the Bible for themselves in their own language. The reformers didn’t do it to draw attention to an educational equity issue, or a justice issue, or even a class revolution, although all those things can spring forth when people try to follow Christ because the Holy Spirit is never asleep. But let’s be clear: the motivation of those early reformers, and to the current reformers who gather under the UCC tent to worship something other than themselves, was not to boost a political party, or to be first among ecclesiastical franchisees to produce the next spiritual happy meal, or even to create a list of “historic firsts” for a marketing campaign that I imagine our forebears would hate. They risked their lives and their relationships with the institutional church, not to create a new list of merit badges for secular forces to run through the church for some higher good. No, they did it all so that future generations could hear and read the gospel of Jesus Christ as they had. They were willing to bet it all on the idea that God was still speaking. And they didn’t make that up as a tagline, they found it in their worship and practice as Christians.

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