Faith Formation

The Faith Formation Mission Area Team seeks to empower local churches and clergy in facilitating their worship, education and call.

To achieve this vision we participate in leadership in the following conference wide work and services:

  • Youth Initiative:
    Creating networking possibilities for youth on facebook, blogs, e-mail group, etc.  Developing a youth event in conjunction with the Michigan Conference Annual Meeting.  Gathering Association representatives (adults and youth) to meet for planning youth events regionally and conference-wide.  Promoting regional and national youth events.
  • Comma work:
    Reminding clergy and churches about discernment:  Discernment is the art of listening to our inner selves and learning to recognize (discern) movements that arise from the Holy Spirit within us and distinguish them from those which do not.  This is true for individuals and community life together.
    Contact:  Rev. Cheryl Burke
  • Partners in Education (PIE):
    Are available to help local congregations with ministries of education!  Offer workshops to help leaders in congregations plan and develop vibrant ministries of education.
  • Networking Secretaries: UCCOSSN
    Michigan is connecting with the National United Church of Christ Office Support Staff Network (UCCOSSN) and encourages all church office staff to connect as well.

 How churches can engage with this team:

  • Attend meetings and/or pray for the team.
  • Support Youth events.
  • Join the Facebook page, contribute to the blog.
  • Invite a Partner in Education to provide a workshop in your congregation or Association around educational resources available in the UCC.
  • Practice discernment in your meetings…share your experiences with the team and other congregations.
  • Send church leaders to STEM class for further learning and leadership development.
  • Encourage your office staff to join the Michigan Office Support Staff Network (MICHOSSN) and become part of UCCOSSN.


Team Contact Information:
Facilitator:  VACANT
Staff:   To be determined

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