Grant Criteria and Policy Guidelines

Peace with Justice Grant
Congregations and other organizations eligible for grants through the Michigan Conference must share the Prophetic Integrity Mission Area Team’s goals for advocacy and programs focusing on justice and peace issues.  The Michigan Conference will consider funding such efforts as:

  • Constituency education programs on a broad spectrum of these issues, including such things as homelessness, poverty, children’s issues, economic injustices, racial bias, gender, sexual orientation, childcare, housing and health issues.
  • Public policy advocacy and organizing to mobilize citizens and UCC members to respond to a variety of issues, including study, advocacy, education and promotion.
  • Programs, which are ecumenical and interfaith in nature.
  • Programs, which are working on root, causes and issues, including particularly education and advocacy regarding issues of justice for all people.

Grants seldom exceed $1,000.00

Other Grants
The Michigan Conference, through the Prophetic Integrity Mission Area Team, will use the following basic criteria when deciding all other grant requests:

  1. All ministries and grants should be consistent with the biblical and theological mandate and vision of the Michigan Conference and the national UCC programs
  2. All grant requests for service ministries should be linked with advocacy, education, and opportunities to make changes in inadequate and unjust systems.
  3. When grants are awarded, grantees are expected to report back to the Mission Area Team (MAT) through written reports and, when requested, a personal presentation about the project results including successes and failures.
  4. Grant application deadline for the current year 2020 is July 31 with allocation being made at the Michigan Conference Annual Meeting on October 11-12.

For further information you may contact Rev. Jay Cummings: <

Please send completed grant applications to

Grant Application

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