NEW PHONE NUMBER 517-258-0038 | To care for UCC clergy and churches in Michigan.
Church News You Can Use
Jan 22, 2024
“Over the last year and a half of visiting our churches as your Conference Minister, I am convinced that our 2024 priority must be the care of our clergy.”
Our Conference Ministerial Team is seeking your help. Pastors, please complete the 2024 Pastor Support Survey to let us know what you need.
There is space to share your wisdom, experience, and add things that we have not even thought to ask.
Even if you don’t have any unmet needs or interest in support from the Conference, having that data that is valuable information for us too.
This quick survey is a judgment free zone.
Dec 20, 2023
Nov 29, 2023
Oct 18, 2023
Sep 20, 2023
Aug 30, 2023
I recall when I started in ministry, my mentors were fond of saying “There is no such thing as part time ministry.” They assumed most pastors would and should work full time in one church back in the ancient days when phones were still attached to walls and had not yet learned how to be cameras.
How things have changed. As a pastor, and now as a Conference Minister, I see the shift to part time ministry speeding up. As churches get smaller, so do resources. Part time ministry is nothing new, but I know it feels new to the churches and clergy that are moving into it.
In the worst cases, clergy hours are cut but church expectations remain the same. The “dispensable hours” never seem to fall on Sundays when pastors are still expected to show up to preach in an ever-shortening work week that assumes a serious sermon will still sprout straight from the head of Zeus or, God help us, from an A.I. chat bot. Obviously that is not the ideal and we can do better.
This is why I am so excited to bring the nation’s leading expert on part time ministry to the Michigan Conference for a special event on September 30.
REGISTER NOW for September 30 from 10:00am – 2:00pm
Jul 19, 2023
The General Synod of our denomination is a fiery and feisty family reunion on steroids without the fried chicken. We skip the picnic in order to briefly study, hotly debate and hastily vote on the most controversial ethical issues of the day, all while reenacting deep seeded generational family drama during public worship on a giant stage, at enormous expense, which is why we are only allowed to do it every other year. In fact, this July, the Synod voted (early, often and on malfunctioning voting machines) to extend the time between national gatherings to three years. The main argument was cost, but I would lift up exhaustion. And yet, I can’t wait to attend the next one.
The schedule runs from 6:30 AM until 9:30 PM, in a huge convention center chosen for its ability to guarantee the worst possible weather (sweltering heat, unbreathable air and thunderstorm bursts are all encouraged to apply) over the July 4 holiday weekend when most people would not want to attend a church convention, which serves as the final purity test of the spiritual worthiness of the quirky and committed delegates who say “Here I am, Lord, send me!” These 700 delegates get to sit in a security-patrolled area in the middle of the arena, all roped inside, while thousands of synod visitors and staff get to run around free and unsupervised outside the pen, observing the behavior and appearance of the delegates like livestock at a 4 H convention. “Look, that bull over at microphone #1. He is snorting and getting testy!” says one visitor to another. “But those hogs have been sleeping straight through plenary, probably dehydrated and malnourished, judging by all the candy wrappers.”
Just to be clear, these examples did not come from the Michigan Conference, where our table consisted of sparkly rainbow unicorns who took detailed notes, pranced to their potty breaks in a timely manner and never missed a vote. Anonymous sources report that the Michigan Conference’s daily table decorations, (featuring our lakes, local flowers, Vernor’s ginger ale and cat toys), our late night Synod Socials and our 6:30 AM caucuses attended by Santa Clause caused a breakout of the sin of envy throughout the entire denomination. Read More
Jun 21, 2023
One year ago, the moving truck delivered my belongings to Grand Rapids, where we accidentally bought a historic home. Thus began the unpacking and preparation for my new role as Michigan Conference Minister. That first summer, everything in my new garden was a surprise, as I reaped the benefits of gardeners who came before me, both at home and in my ministry. I survived my first Michigan winter, which felt longer than it probably was, since snow followed me to every church I visited. Eventually, I was rewarded with my first Michigan Spring, which was a spectacular way to spend a weekend.
What a difference a year makes. The horrors of moving feel like a distant memory, unless you look at my basement, where I have hidden a few boxes I have yet to unpack. Still, I consider myself to be properly moved in, because these same boxes remained unpacked at my old house. It feels good to be settled.
Today, on the first day of my second summer in my Michigan garden, I have the thrill of seeing shoots of green growth from seeds that I may have planted. Although my neighbor informs me that some of these may be weeds, at least they are now my weeds, in the gloriously green landscape I now call my home. Next week, when the national church gathers for General Synod in Indianapolis, I will be proud to invite others, as you all invited me, to consider a call to serve in the Michigan Conference, where the grass really is greener.
May 26, 2023
Last week, I led my first retreat for the clergy of the Michigan Conference. I was thrilled that eighteen busy pastors took three days away to think about preaching through the Festival of Homiletics at the lovely Tower Hill Conference Center in Sawyer, Michigan On the first night, when we shared why we were there, a number of people said they were excited to reflect on their sermon craft, but I’d say an equal number said they weren’t exactly sure why they signed up for a preaching retreat, because sermon preparation had become more of a chore than a joy! I didn’t judge. I get it and I’ve been there. Whatever your calling may be, you know you need a retreat when the spiritual gifts that once excited you now feel like a burden or, even worse, a bore.
Apr 19, 2023
Every Sunday I preach at our Michigan churches, I meet people who tell me this is their first time back in person in years. When I ask why, I’m struck how often they say that my visit caused the church to have a special coffee hour, which in turn caused someone to ask them to bring cookies. They didn’t come because they needed to see the Conference Minister. They came because the church needed the cookies.
I do not think people return to in-person worship in order to eat treats, but they may well return in order to deliver them. It’s easier to receive a call asking you to bring brownies than it is to get one asking why you haven’t been coming to church. The first call is an invitation while the second can sound like an act of desperation, or at worst, an accusation.
“Where have you been? We’ve missed you,” sounds too much like “Where have you been? Shame on you.” Read More
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