Conference Staff

Get to know your Conference Staff

Conference Office 517-258-0038

The Conference Minister is responsible for the spiritual care of our clergy and 146 congregations. Since starting July 1, 2022, the Rev. Dr. Daniel has focused on encouraging, equipping and connecting our Michigan churches in Christ’s love and justice.  Lillian is based in Grand Rapids and travels most weekends to worship with folks in the Michigan Conference.  Contact to schedule an event.


The Associate Conference Minister of Clergy Care and Formation works across the Conference with Committees on Ministry to support active clergy, retired clergy, and Members in Discernment.  Cheryl works full time, with office hours during the week in East Lansing and travels to local churches as needed.

Rev. Burke offers online Boundary Training multiple times a year.  Boundary Training experiences for the Conference and across the country can be found on the Conference website under Resources –> Committees On Ministry.

Staff Person to: Vital Growth Mission Area Team


The Associate Conference Minister of Church Vitality and Transitions is responsible for church vitality and new church start efforts. He is the Conference coordinator for Pastors and Local Churches in the Search and Call process.  Lawrence began his work at the Conference level on January 1, 2024.  He works full time, with office hours during the week  and travels to local churches as needed.



The Southwest Association Minister’s role is to serve in guidance and leadership of the 18 churches and Authorized Clergy of the Southwest Association. Her primary responsibilities are to work with the SWA Church and Ministry Committee and Council to build relationships between local churches and the wider church, and to serve them as a resource person and representative from the Michigan Conference UCC.

Calandra is away on parental leave  Jan 1, 2025 – April 1, 2025

Conference Office 517-258-0038

The Conference Administrator and Registrar is the go to person for all things Michigan Conference.  Lisa assists the Conference Minister, and is who to contact if you would like to schedule a local church visit.  She also serves as Conference Registrar and assists all six Michigan Conference UCC Associations with administrative work in the UCC National Data Hub, Clergy Training Compliance, ordination/installation announcements, etc. She assists the Michigan Conference UCC Board of Directors, Mission Area Teams, and is a member of the Annual Meeting Planning Team.  She also works with outside sources on property management; both in-office and building concerns. Lisa is based in her home office in Cadillac MI.   She has been a full-time employee of the Michigan Conference UCC for over 25 years and enjoys working with our Churches, Clergy, and Lay Volunteers.

Staff Person to: Faith Formation Mission Area Team

Staff Person to: Compassionate Generosity Mission Area Team


The Director of Communications designs and sends the Conference Newsletter,  manages the Conference website and social media, and collects and stores resources to be shared with churches and individuals to equip ministry.

The Program Associate for Youth Ministry connects youth and youth leaders in the Michigan Conference by planning wider-church events and imagining new ways to be church.

Based in Midland, Jenn is a Member in Discernment who works part-time from her home office.  Jenn serves on the Annual Meeting Planning Team, Great Lakes Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Team, National Our Whole Lives Advisory Team, and serves on the Executive team of National Organization of Wider Church Youth Ministry.  She has helped to plan GLRYE 2018, NYE 2020, Youth@Synod 2021, Youth@Synod 2023, and is working on the team planning the 2024 Great Lakes West Central Regional Youth Event.

The Director of Finance & Development leads the fundraising efforts of the Michigan Conference, supports the planned giving and effective philanthropy of congregations, and resources fiscal management questions.

Rev. Andrew B. Warner, CFRE, also serves as President of the Wisconsin Foundation UCC.  He lives with his husband Jay near Green Bay, Wisconsin and serves the Michigan Conference UCC part-time from his remote home office.

For the long-term financial health and stewardship of Conference resources, we have contracted with the Rehmann Advisory Firm to provide accounting, assurance and detailed financial reports to the Treasurer and the Board of Directors as they make decisions related to stewardship in operations, budgeting and investments.

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