Prophetic Integrity Mission Area Team

The Prophetic Integrity Mission Area Team’s mandate will focus on educating local churches and clergy with respect to matters calling for the public voice of the church. The Prophetic Integrity Mission Area Team will assume the social justice responsibilities formerly entrusted to the Commission for Church in Society and World Mission as well as those given to the Resolutions Committee.

Facilitator: Rev. Jay Cummings
Contact Info:

Conference Staff person:

Prophetic Integrity Facebook Page

Justice and Witness Ministries Resources

Upcoming Meetings:  

Meetings take place at 11:00 a.m. at the Michigan Conference office unless otherwise specified.

August 15, 2020 – via Zoom

Upcoming Training Events:

A Commitment to Gender Safety & Equity (2018)

Upholding Voting Rights and Opposing Attempts at Voter Suppression and Discrimination in Michigan (2017)

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival (2017)

Stewardship of Exhibit Space as a Resource for a Mission of Justice (2017)

Establish Voluntary Fund for Legal Support to Nonviolent Arrestees (2017)

Calls to Action” based on previous resolutions adopted at Annual Meeting (2016)
(listed individually below)

Calling the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan to Divest from and Declare a Moratorium on Doing Business with Companies Profiting From or Complicit in the Ongoing Conflict Between the State of Israel and the Palestinian People (2015)

Fresh, Potable, Life-Sustaining Water For All (2014)

Proclaim Release to the Captives (2013)

Promoting Development of Drough Resistant Grains (2013)

Solidarity with the Disenfranchised Citizens of Detroit (2013)

25% Renewable Energy by the Year 2025 (2012)

Improving Legal Justice in Michigan (2011)

Authorizing the Sale of the Talahi Property (2011)

Ministering to Youth, Young Adults, and Families in the Michigan ConferenceMinistering to Youth, Young Adults, and Families in the Michigan Conference (2011)

Establishing an Endowment for Youth and Young Adult Ministry (2011)

Support the Provision of Mosquito Netting & study the impacts of global climate change (2010)

Ministering to Those Struggling and Suffering in the Troubled Economy (2009)

Single Payer Prevention and Sickness Insurance (2009)

To Endorse Adoption Equality in Michigan (2008)

Human Rights in the Philippines (2007)

To Endorse Health Care Access for All (2007)

Summary of Resolutions: Michigan Conference UCC
1984 – 2011 pertaining to Prophetic Integrity

Act Now to End Racism – is an ecumenical effort to repent of the sin of racism and a rallying of people who want to end racism. There are events in Washington, D.C. in the days after Easter to witness to this long overdue need. Read more at:

New Poor Peoples Campaign – The Michigan Conference has endorsed this campaign, and UCC church members are invited to a Moral Monday day of action on the steps of the State Capital – May 14, 2018.  Look for more information about this event under the Dream of Justice link in this newsletter.

In October of 2017, delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Michigan Conference adopted a resolution in support of the New Poor Peoples Campaign. This campaign is designed to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor Peoples Campaign. The Dream of Justice collaborative has been working to implement the resolution and broadcast opportunities for local church engagement. Please follow this LINK for more information written by Walt Kemnitz and Rebecca Mase.
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