
Church News You Can Use

Jun 05, 2024

Check out our upcoming line up for Leadership Lunch events including
HELP! Our Church Bylaws are Killing Us and HELP! Our Church Building Budget is Out Of Control
And see the recording of our JUNE Pride Month Leadership Lunch “Widening the Welcome with Pronouns in Church”

Recaps of our recent visit from German Ministry Partner Dr. Gerrit H Marx and Clergy Retreat, a recording of a recent webinar about Solar Panels for Churches, Antiracism Training, Regional Youth Event, and great local church stories about two churches under one roof and steeple removal.

If you have a story to share, make sure to send it to us!!  SHARE YOUR STORY
Make sure you “View Entire Message” to see ALL the June News, including wider church and National Setting upcoming events.

Apr 30, 2024

This month includes a note from the Treasurer of the Board of Directors and the BOD Nomination Form, a special prayer from the Southwest Association Minister, upcoming onsite and online opportunities for connection, justice, educational initiatives AND MORE!!!
Make sure you “View Entire Message” to see ALL the May News.
Star this email in your inbox for reference all month long.
If you didn’t get it in your inbox, SUBSCRIBE NOW so you don’t miss out on Conference News!!
If you have a story to share, make sure to send it to us!!  SHARE YOUR STORY

Apr 02, 2024

Make sure you “View Entire Message” to see ALL the April News.
Includes a special letter from the President of the Board of Directors and opportunities to serve on the Board.
Star this email in your inbox for reference all month long.
If you didn’t get it in your inbox, SUBSCRIBE NOW so you don’t miss out on Conference News!!

Mar 05, 2024

Introducing New Clergy Care Groups of the Michigan Conference

Pastor Support Survey results confirmed that our pastors need and are interested in connecting for renewal, learning, wellness, and support.

Clergy Care Groups (CCG’s) are one of the ways that the Michigan Conference will address this need. These groups will be relational and may be formed as affinity groups with a focus, or as general gatherings geographically. An email will be sent directly to pastors and clergy for Group Registration. Group topics, days, times, and locations will be chosen by facilitators and listed for Registration. Space will be limited, and groups will require at least 5-6 group members to begin. Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested in being part of a group. As space allows, we will invite our colleagues from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Michigan Region.

Proposed groups currently being formed by facilitators are; Spiritual Deepening, Spiritual Issues in Retirement, New Clergy Mentoring, Preaching Workshop, Health and Wellness, Rural Progressive Presence, Mindfulness, Peer Support, Chaplains, Engagement in Retirement, Circle of Friends, Senior Pastors of Multi-staff Churches, MIDs, Multigenerational Ministry, Clergy Cafe and more.

If you are already part of an existing support group that you would like to have listed for others to join, if you would like to facilitate a new CCG group, or if you have other ideas for clergy care, contact Rev. Cheryl Burke, Associate Conference Minister of Clergy Care and Formation, 517-292-3102

Pastors, be on the lookout for an email coming soon.

Groups will being in April.

Feb 06, 2024

During the month of January, Conference Staff asked Michigan Conference Pastors to share priorities and strategies for how the Conference can help to equip, encourage, empower, and connect them in ministry.

The most common areas of interest were:

LGBTQIA+ (42%)

Multi-generational Ministry (36%)

Worship Resources (34%)

Racial Consciousness/Antiracism (34%)

Centering Prayer/Spiritual Practices (34%)

Part Time Ministry (32%)

Chaplaincy and Alternative Building Use were also mentioned frequently.

As email was the most common preferred method of communication (73%), we will continue to share information in the Newsletter via email, and reach out directly as more specific opportunities are created for Pastoral Support in 2024.


Jan 02, 2024

Over the last year and a half of visiting local UCC churches in Michigan the Conference Ministerial Staff Team is convinced that our 2024 priority must be the care of our pastors. We are reorganizing our staff so that our new Associate Conference Minister Lawrence Richardson can recruit clergy for Michigan churches through Search and Call, and our long term Associate Conference Minister Cheryl Burke will focus her wisdom and experience in the area of caring for the ministers and MIDs we already have.  We are starting this process by asking pastors what they need through this short survey?


Dec 06, 2023

Remember that we only send this out once a month, so there is lots of important information, AND you have plenty of time to look at it before the next one comes.
In additions to Advent Connecting and Twelve Days of Christmas Resources, this month we also share some tips for PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness)
Make sure you are planning ahead for January by signing up for our Jan 3 Leadership Lunch and the Jan 24 Orientation for Financial Leaders — both which will offer valuable tips and strategies to face your church finances faithfully in 2024

Oct 31, 2023

Recordings of the in-person 2023 Annual Meeting can be watched from the playlist on the Michigan Conference YouTube Channel

Please share your feedback about the 2023 Annual Meeting HERE

Our first in-person Annual Meeting since 2019 was a SUCCESS!!!

151 registered participants, plus children, youth, and volunteers were present at the in-person Annual Meeting of the Michigan Conference UCC.

Fun and fellowship took place on Friday Night 10/27 at the Drury Inn & Suites where the agenda was simply to BE with one another.

Oct 03, 2023

Register and join in new programming

To equip, empower, encourage and connect the churches of the Michigan Conference

Sep 07, 2023

Exciting Opportunities to Serve on the Board of Directors

The Michigan Conference Board of Directors (BOD) is seeking to fill four open positions.

The key role of Treasurer to serve as the CFO of the Conference is open.  The new Treasurer should have significant previous experience serving a church or non-profit in a financial role.  Additional experience and credentialing as a financial professional would be valuable.

There are two positions open for At Large representation on the Board of Directors.  At Large reps must hold local UCC church membership in the Michigan Conference.  There is also an opening for a Liaison role that requires holding local church membership in the Grand West Association.

The BOD is committed to inclusion and charged with a balance of representation across a diverse intersection of demographics.  Lay persons are strongly encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in learning more about being considered for nomination for one of these positions please contact Rev. Liz Larrivee, Nominating Committee Chair, Vice President BOD at

If selected by the Nominating Committee, your name will be presented for a vote at the October 28 Annual Meeting to join the Board of Directors.

Thank you for your generous consideration of ministry service to the wider church in a BOD leadership position! We’d love to have you as part of the team!!

Sign-Up Here