Search and Call


START HERE:  A Guide to Pastoral Search and Call

A resource in support of the covenants that bind together the ministry of Pastors and their Congregations.

  • Clergy use the online profile system recently launched by the United Church of Christ to search for a church call. Watch this video to learn more about how this system will be used by your church’s Search Committee.
  • Churches need to know that completing a Church Profile will be a major task for your Search Committee.  Meeting with Conference Staff will help facilitate creating your Church profile. The outline for this document is available for download in both Word and PDF formats.
  • Once your church’s profile is complete, you will list your church’s opening on the United Church of Christ’s Online Opportunities Listings.
Your church’s first task during a pastoral transition will often be to hire an interim minister.

When your church has narrowed to a final candidate, consult these documents:

National Setting Ministerial Compensation Report May 2023

Because our core mission is to “equip the clergy” and the churches of the Michigan Conference UCC for faithful leadership,’ we support, coach and offer resources to churches that are experiencing transitions in pastoral leadership. We can also answer questions from clergy seeking a called or an interim ministry position in Michigan.
If your church is experiencing a transition in leadership, please contact the staff person who covers your area:
Southwest Association:  Rev. Calandra Nevenzel
All other Associations (including Covenant, Detroit Metropolitan, Eastern, Grand West, and United Northern): Rev. Lawrence Richardson 


For questions about the search and call process in Michigan, please contact Rev. Lawrence Richardson Associate Conference Minister for Church Vitality and Transition


Here are links to a number of other resources regarding both called and interim ministry positions:

If you have questions, please contact Rev. Lawrence Richardson

A Pastoral Relations Commitee can be one of the healthiest ways a church can support the leadership of its pastor and ensure healthy communication between the pastor and the local congregation. Here are some resources for forming and maintaining an effective team:

A free downloadable guidebook from the United Church of Christ made possible through the Strengthen the Church special offering.

A UCC guide on the roles and responsibilities of such a position.

Download Guide

Other Local Church Staff Openings

Michigan Conference policy for other local church and Conference positions is to post them on our Facebook page with the header JOB OPPORTUNITY

You can use the search feature to find all postings.  Search  JOB OPPORTUNITY on the Michigan Conference Facebook page for all current available positions and contact information for local churches.

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